Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Is There Cure for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm?

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is the enlargement of the large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis and legs. Anybody can acquire this disease, even babies, but there are determining factors for adult individuals.

People who smoke, those suffering from high blood pressure, obesity, and emphysema have greater chances of acquiring the sickness. An individual will never know if he has acquired the disease because it hardly shows any symptoms and it develops gradually. You won't feel the blood vessel tear but without your knowledge blood is already leaking along the vessel's wall which is a dangerous thing.

It is only through a life line screening that one can determine if he is at risk of this type of aneurysm that is why preventive screenings are highly advisable especially to male smokers between the ages of 65 and 75.

Through ultrasonography an individual will be able to determine the seriousness of his AAA and contact his physician right away to inquire about the recommended treatment for it. Surgery is often the last resort of those individuals with very serious AAA but if yours only measures three to four centimeters doctors would usually recommend continuous assessment through rescanning.

Once you start feeling constant abdominal pain which extends to the groin, legs and buttocks then you could be experiencing severe AAA which requires immediate attention. According to medical studies, less than 40% of patients with severe AAA make it through a surgery successfully.

Prevention of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

To avoid acquiring AAA, doctors advise everybody to maintain a healthy diet, not to smoke or to quit smoking (if you're into the habit), and to take your medications for high blood pressure or diabetes religiously. Stress is a also a major culprit of AAA so try to get as much sleep as you can and do not take everything in your life too seriously.

Exercise is also one sure-fire way to avoid the attack of AAA and other types of aneurysms for that matter.

Apart from healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, medical practitioners and healthcare experts say undergoing regular preventive screenings will keep this type of sickness at bay. You'll find that hospitals and health care centers offer AAA screenings as part of their life line screening packages.

It is better to prevent serious health conditions such as AAA rather than wait for it to reach the stage wherein you cannot do anything anymore but accept your fate that it ushers in. Grave AAA conditions would usually require an individual's aorta to be replaced but surgery will not necessarily guarantee a person can go back to living a normal life.

If not treated properly, an abdominal aortic aneurysm can lead to various health complications such as infections in different parts of the body and tremendous bleeding which can lead to death. Take advantage of the preventive screening packages which a nearby hospital offers or you can go online and look up a website that specializes in senior care, as this will definitely offer you the best services at prices so affordable.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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