Improve Health Care and Basic Health Tips for Positive health:
Healthy habits are always instilled in a child during the childhood days. Teaching children the importance of ahealthy diet is one of the first things parents always strive to explain to their children. A healthy habit when infused in a child from the early years, only helps in the overall child development and turns him/her into a responsible individual. Children need to be taught about the importance of healthy habits in a gentle manner. With time and care from your side, children are bound to understand the importance of healthy habits. Here is a basic compilation of tips related tokids' health. With these health tips, kids can learn to look after themselves during their growing years.
Health tips for children: There are various health tips, some help in weight loss while others help in disease prevention and help in toning of muscles. Some common health tips that are easy to follow for everyone and help in attaining healthy body are as follows:
Children are not aware about many things that are very important for their growth. As parents, you must ensure your child has plenty of water and fluids during the day. Fluids should include fresh juices. Make sure your child carries a bottle of fresh juices to school. Healthcare in India features a universal health care system run by the constituent states and territories of India. The Constitution charges every state with "raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties". Kids should know the importance of exercise at an early age itself. Teach kids few basic exercises that can be done at home. An exercise routine that incorporates walking or swimmingcan help children to manage these activities on a daily basis.
As they grow up, these routines will naturally form a part of their life.Kids should also be aware of hygiene-related issues. Youngsters should learn things such as the need to wash hands before and after meals. For young kids, you can simply use a singsong routine to get them into the process. Children will then surely make this a part of their routine once they understand the importance of personal hygiene. Dental care should begin at an early age. Brushing teeth twice daily is needed to keep teeth looking healthy and clean. You can promise to read a bedtime story for a kid that does not really enjoy a brushing routine. Make it seem enjoyable rather than making the child feel punished.
Do not overeat. This leads to weight gain as well as indigestion. Do not live to eat, eat to live. Add green leafy vegetable and fruit to your food. Boil, roast or grill your food rather than fry. Use less salt. Avoid eating at odd hours or eating junk food. Wash your hands before eating and after eating your food. Before eating, fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly so as to remove any dirt or chemical.
Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. This keeps body well-hydrated and helps in easy digestion of food. This prevents constipation and provides essential minerals and vitamins. Drink clean water that is not contaminated or infected. If required, drink boiled water. Avoid chilled water from freezer, instead drink cool water. Do not drink bottled water whatever the company manufacturing it claims.
Health facts:
Ginger: Ginger is a good remedy for clod and cough. It is a blood purifier and it helps to keep the stomach pain at bay. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and it will give relief from menstrual cramps.
Oregano: Oregano belongs to the family of mint and it is a good source of iron, Vitamin A. It will boost the immune system and it can be used to relive the pain in abdomen. Just chew few leaves to get rid of from cold and sinusitis. As it has both anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, it can be used to treat skin infections.
Strawberry: It is a source of vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. It reduces the cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Also it helps in improving the brain functions and nervous system. Daily in taking will help to keep the arthritis problem at bay. As it contains anti-oxidants, it is very beneficial to battle against cancers and tumors.
Nuts: Eat nuts as snacks. Walnuts, almonds and peanuts are very good for health. It has anti-oxidants and improves lipids. Also it reduces the risk of heart disease. Eat at least 5 walnuts or almonds a day.
Tomato: It contains Vitamin A, which is used to improve the eyesight. It also contains Vitamin B, C & K, calcium, potassium, lycopene etc. It lowers the level of BP and cholesterol. It also prevents the body from killer diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Curd: It strengthens the immune system of the body as it contains good bacteria. It is a rich source of calcium, and so good for bones. It helps to lower the high blood pressure. Also it fights against stomach and vaginal infections.
Garlic: It is very good for health and has the power to treat many health problems, so of them are:
Major problems like blood pressure and cholesterol can be controlled by eating garlic. It is a good blood purifier too. Eat 4-5 pieces of garlic to get rid of from the flu. Want to lose weight? Eat raw garlic and drink a glass of warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of lime juice. For tooth ache, apply a piece of crushed garlic to get quick relief. Garlic has anti-viral and anti-septic properties, so it is good for health by preventing the body various diseases.So don't avoid eating the garlic when you found it in regular foods.
Adequate sunlight is essential for a strong, healthy immune system. It is a source of Vitamin D. Early morning or early evening sunlight is best (avoid midday sun). If You have sore, aching muscles, and then sunlight can improve the circulation of skin and ease some of your discomfort. Reduce the risk of cancer with sunlight exposure. It protects against 16 types of cancer. Also lack of sunlight causes high cholesterol level. It has the power to reduce Asthma. Jaundice improves when the body is exposed to natural sunlight. According to a study, babies exposed to twice as much light during the day (between noon and 4 P.M) became better sleepers at night. The sun is an amazing healing source.
Water: Water transport oxygen to cells, flush toxins and waste from body, protects joints and organs. At least drink 8 glass of water daily. Adding fresh lime to water will help to alkalize the body. It regulates the body temperature, as cooling and heating is distributed through perspiration.
It plays key role in prevention of diseases. Taking adequate water daily will prevent the body from colon and bladder cancer. It can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer. The consumption of too little water is a common source of weakness and fatigue. Signs of illness such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea cause the body to lose fluids. In theses cases, drink more water.
Don't drink tap water, it contain bacteria, toxic chemicals, heavy metals like aluminum and mercury and other pesticides. Reverse osmosis water purification system can remove 90-99% of all contaminants.
Food: A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic health risks such as: obesity, heart disease, diabetics and cancer. We have to consume a variety of healthy foods to derive the nutrition our body needs.
Eat dark green leafy salads, and add plenty of antioxidant & cancer fighting veggies like broccoli and cauliflower. Avoid cheese, processed ham/meats, eggs, pastas, etc. Use salad dressing moderately or sparingly. Try to use low fat/low calorie dressings. Limit the intake of simple sugars and salt/ sodium consumption from all sources and ensure that salt is iodized.
A nutritious diet can rectify underlying causes of diseases and restore one to wholeness of mind and body. Never eat with people you dislike, it can negatively affect your digestion. Chew your food thoroughly, in a relaxing atmosphere. Never eat when you are angry.
Organic food: Organic food is termed as certified food, which is produced in accordance with some production standards. It is grown in organic farms and vigorously monitored by the officials of a certification body, during the production. Unlike natural food, organic food stuffs are generally grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They are often labeled to differentiate them from the natural ones, because both are similar in terms of color, size and shape. Organic food not only involves fruits, vegetables and grains, but also the products derived from livestock.
Initially, organic foods were grown at small family-run farms. This restricted their availability to a great extent. The organic foods were available only in small stores and farmers' markets. With the increasing demand and the advancement in the field of agriculture, organic foods are now available in many countries of the world. Pricy though, more and more people are switching to organic food. The superior taste of organic food, perhaps, motivates people to consume them. Apart from the fact that it tastes better than the natural food, organic food has certain benefits on the overall health of the people as well.
Elimination: Never wait to use the bathroom and eliminate toxins from your body. "Holding it" is stressful to your body and may cause the body to introduce waste material back into the bloodstream. Then the consequences for the health of the organism can be serious. The total elimination of all toxicity from the body can take weeks to months and in some cases even years. But within days you will be losing weight and feeling enormously more energetic and vibrant.
Exercise: Walking is the best form of moderate exercise. Brisk walking helps circulation of blood throughout the body. It can help people avoid a heart attack, peel off pounds and even develop a hard body. Running improves cardiovascular fitness, promotes endurance and stamina. Cycling strengthens legs and thighs, heart and lungs and improves circulation. Aerobics is the vigorous form of exercising which is generally accompanied with music, will slim you down and improve the efficiency of your heart, lungs and circulatory system. Swimming tones all parts of the body symmetrically. It also gives a beautiful back and pressure tones the skin to a smooth polish.
There is no need to do vigorous or strenuous exercises. This can lead to injury. Start slowly and then speed up whatever exercise you opt for. Do simple exercises. Even walking regularly can make a lot of difference. Walking, swimming, cycling, running are some of the easy exercises that can be undertaken by anyone. For specialized exercises, it is wiser to exercise under guidance of a trainer. Regular exercise is vital to help maintain good health. It burns up extra calories in food and reduces the likelihood of these being converted into fat. Regular exercise makes you fit, gives a general sense of well-being, improves appetite and sleep and makes the heart and circulation, lungs and respiration work more efficiently. Exercise carried out for about 20 minutes three times a week is beneficial for the body.
It is important to establish good exercise habits early on. Children should exercise about an hour each day (including a 10 to 15-minute warm-up of stretching and easy activity such as walking or light calisthenics.) Exercise can be individual or in pairs (rollerblading, bicycling, jumping rope) or it can be a group activity such as swimming or athletic teams. Weight training is recommended only after children reach what is called the Tanner stage 5 level of development; this usually happens around the age of 15.
Citrus fruits, also known as acid fruits, belong to the family called Rutaceae'. Originated around 8,000 years back, somewhere near South-East Asia, today, these fruits are available in almost all countries worldwide. Citrus fruit trees are known as ornamental trees, as they give rise to the citrus fruits of different forms and sizes, ranging from small to large and round to oval. Citrus fruits are tagged with many therapeutic benefits, thanks to the presence of detoxifying ingredients. Rich in Vitamin C, Folate and many other antioxidants, these fruits help the body to keep away from several infections and diseases. Regular intake of citrus fruits, like lemon, orange, pineapple and grapefruits, help secure good health and wellbeing of a person. This article provides you with the various health benefits of citrus fruits.
Citrus fruits are beneficial for developing strong bones. Studies show that orange juice helps your body absorb both calcium and vitamin D, both being very essential for healthy bones. While calcium is necessary for maintaining and building bones, vitamin D is needed for the body to absorb calcium. Orange is one such fruit that provides the body with both vitamin D and calcium and contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones.
Citrus fruits consumed after having meat and fatty foods help in the digestion process. In China, orange peel is recommended and served after food, as they believe that it aids in the digestion of rich, fatty foods. One way to digest the food better is by consuming a glass of lime juice. This will help in clearing and removing the roughage that stays behind the intestine. Lime juice can also help in the process of weight loss. Citrus peel has been found to lower cholesterol levels, balance blood sugar and activate liver detoxification because of the presence of beneficial compounds, such as polymethosxylated flavones (PMFs) and d-limonene. Citrus fruits work as a mood enhancer, as the folate present helps create serotonin the brain's happy chemical. Studies show that the citrus smell of fruits like lime, orange and grapefruit can lift the mood and increase energy levels. Essential oils of these fruits can be applied at the back of the neck to enhance alertness.
Free radicals in the body can prove to be harmful for our retina and can cause cataract, a degenerative eye disorder. The antioxidants present in citrus fruits come to the rescue of retina by neutralizing the damage caused by these free radicals.
Many people complain of loss of their appetite, which has become a serious health issue for all age groups. Citrus fruits help in increasing the lost appetite of a person. A person suffering from loss of appetite can consume citrus fruit juice as the vitamin C present in the fruit will induce hunger and will help solve the health problem, due to lack of appetite.
Citrus fruits also help reduce anemia. One of the reasons of anemia can be loss of appetite. As citrus fruits are capable of increasing appetite, they can also help to overcome severe anemia. Citrus fruit juices help in enhancing the appetite of a person providing all the notations to the body and helps in the formation of blood cells.
Avoid Alcohol: Avoiding alcohol is one of the cornerstones of anti aging lifestyle. Alcohol is attracted to cell membranes, and it concentrates there. When it reaches nerve cell membranes, the alcohol can change the function of nerve cells and thus affect behavior. In addition to death, it has been associated with many conditions detrimental to the body, including suppression of vitamin functions and appetite, impairment of blood cell production, brain cell death, and hormone imbalances.
Chronic alcohol use can cause a vitamin deficiency, damage to the frontal lobes of the brain, an overall reduction in brain size and increase in the size of the ventricles. The digestive system of alcoholics is unable to absorb vitamin B1 (thiamine) and deficiency of thiamine can cause various problems affecting the brain. Maintain good health by cutting down the alcohol.
Sleeping: Sleep is vital to our health and well being. Sleep is important to let body recoup its energy. A person should get a good sleep of at least six (aim for 8 to 9) hours at night. If you feel like sleeping in the afternoon, do not suppress it. Try to relax and take rest whenever possible. Resting helps your body destress and prepares it for the hard work ahead. Engage in some hobby. Keep yourself busy so as to stay away from negative thoughts. Negative thoughts effect mind and body and can lead to disturbed state of mind leading to overall deterioration of health. Read some good books, take up gardening, go to some religious place or listen to some soothing music. Try to remain cheerful and happy. Mix with people and engage in some community service.
If you do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night, you can spend your day lethargic, irritable, and lack concentration while performing important tasks. Also lack of sleep will cause weight gain. You are more susceptible to illnesses if you do not get enough sleep. The importance of sleep plays a direct role in our overall health, a critical physiological function, and is indispensable for your intellectual development.
ToTeach about personal hygiene:
Share your personal hygiene routine with your child on a regular basis. When your child is young, she will naturally be interested in everything mom and dad are doing. Build on that natural curiosity and the desire to copy your actions by allowing your child to watch as you perform your morning hygiene routines. As you go through your routine, explain in age-appropriate language why you are taking each step and the correct way to perform each action. Encourage your child to mimic you with her own personal hygiene supplies, including soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste and a washcloth. Develop a daily personal hygiene schedule to help your child learn to be consistent with her personal hygiene habits. Again, borrow from the educator's toolbox and set up specific time guidelines for when certain actions should be performed. For example, you may decide that morning hygiene routines should be accomplished between 8 am and 9 am, before your child has breakfast. Establish this as a h ousehold-wide schedule so it will be easier for your child to develop consistency.
Properwashing: Children love to touch things, and as a result, they pick up and spread a lot of germs. A certain level of germ exposure is healthy for the body's immune system, but a child with poor hygiene will be a sickly child (and the same can be said for adults.) Instill good hand-washing habits in children: Get them to wash their hands vigorously, with soap and hot water, before and after eating (or handling food, if they're helping in the kitchen). They should also wash their hands after using the restroom, and when using public restrooms, they should be careful not to touch the door handle on the way out for avoid germs from people who don't wash their hands.
Positive attitude/ Thinking: Positive thinking helps with stress management and improves the health. Happier people are less likely to suffer heart attacks, strokes, and pain from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Give yourself permission to smile or laugh, especially during difficult times. Seek humor in everyday happenings. When you can laugh at life, you feel less stressed.
Positive attitudes also help one to withstand troubles and problems, make correct decisions, and overcome obstacles. People who volunteer live longer and enjoy life more than those who do not volunteer. By helping others, we help ourselves. Positive thoughts are also more conducive of creativity, as a positive brain is more willing to generate new ideas. Those who think positively are more persistent and willing to follow through with new ideas. Also these thoughts can motivate healthy behaviors, such as eating right and being active.
A root-cause for health problems is negative thinking and it also drags you down. Practice yoga to remove negative attitudes. Also aroma therapy or soft music can help to keep the mind peace and calm.
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